Pat Seawell who asked if we have any stories of our newfies that we would like to add to her sequel that she is in the current process of collating. There are only a limited number of spaces left so if you are interested contact Pat on the email below and she will help you put together your newfie story if she feels that it is something that is appropriate to add.
Contributor Guideline
1. As with Ninety-nine Newfies, all the stories are to be personal, first-hand accounts of your own Newfy or your family's Newfy. Please, no second-hand, word-of-mouth accounts of someone else's Newfy. There are many historical accounts of Newfies doing amazing and wonderful things, but this book is to be about your own Newfy doing amazing and wonderful things.
2. Stories with multiple Newfies are accepted. Each Newfy will be counted individually. For example "Goldilocks in Galilee," in Ninety-nine Newfies, counted for three of the 99 Newfies. Once 99 Newfies have had their stories told, the book will conclude.
3. Try not to exceed 1000 words. Shorter stories are okay. One story per person, please. Pick your favorite!
4. Contributors will not be compensated for their stories.
5. The focus should be on the Newfy rather than on the human. What did the Newfy do that was interesting, funny, amazing, or wonderful?
6. I (Pat Seawell) will collect, edit, organize the stories for a print-on-demand publisher, pay the publishing fees, and contribute 50% of the proceeds to the Newfoundland Health Challenge (after fees and taxes). The book will be available on Amazon.
7. I (Pat Seawell) will ask you to sign a Permission Request giving me permission to include your story in the book. You may publish the story elsewhere, but please cite its inclusion in Ninety-nine More Newfies.
8. I'm happy to help you write your story if you like. Send the basic idea and we'll work on it together.
9. Send the stories to me here
Contributor Guideline
1. As with Ninety-nine Newfies, all the stories are to be personal, first-hand accounts of your own Newfy or your family's Newfy. Please, no second-hand, word-of-mouth accounts of someone else's Newfy. There are many historical accounts of Newfies doing amazing and wonderful things, but this book is to be about your own Newfy doing amazing and wonderful things.
2. Stories with multiple Newfies are accepted. Each Newfy will be counted individually. For example "Goldilocks in Galilee," in Ninety-nine Newfies, counted for three of the 99 Newfies. Once 99 Newfies have had their stories told, the book will conclude.
3. Try not to exceed 1000 words. Shorter stories are okay. One story per person, please. Pick your favorite!
4. Contributors will not be compensated for their stories.
5. The focus should be on the Newfy rather than on the human. What did the Newfy do that was interesting, funny, amazing, or wonderful?
6. I (Pat Seawell) will collect, edit, organize the stories for a print-on-demand publisher, pay the publishing fees, and contribute 50% of the proceeds to the Newfoundland Health Challenge (after fees and taxes). The book will be available on Amazon.
7. I (Pat Seawell) will ask you to sign a Permission Request giving me permission to include your story in the book. You may publish the story elsewhere, but please cite its inclusion in Ninety-nine More Newfies.
8. I'm happy to help you write your story if you like. Send the basic idea and we'll work on it together.
9. Send the stories to me here